Featured Guest on Creek Side Chats real estate investing show

Likely my most unique podcast interviewer yet.  Thank you to Dr. Allen Lomax of Steed Talker Capital for featuring me as guest on his show “Creek Side Chats”.  Since Allen is a doctor of psychology in addition to real estate investor, it was as though he had notebook in hand while I laid on the office leather couch, all in a good and interesting […]

Featured Guest on Creek Side Chats real estate investing show2021-06-20T21:49:22-07:00

Guest on Premium Cashflow Real Estate Investing Podcast with episode “Power of Vision, Goals to Scale Business into a Powerful Buy-Hold Portfolio”

Thank you to Sakar Kawle of Premium Cashflow Capital for featuring me on his real estate investing podcast show “Premium Cashflow Real Estate Investing” for episode “Power of Vision, Goals to Scale Business into a Powerful Buy-Hold Portfolio with Scott Price”.  I and Sakar addressed a wide range of topics, including how to get into real estate investing, approaches to multiple asset classes, setting and achieving goals, and having fun along […]

Guest on Premium Cashflow Real Estate Investing Podcast with episode “Power of Vision, Goals to Scale Business into a Powerful Buy-Hold Portfolio”2024-06-27T22:00:28-07:00

Speaker at REAPS on Current Societal and Market Dynamics Regarding Washington Multi-family

If you are interested in real world responses to current societal and market dynamics within Washington state multi-family investing, come to a special online Real Estate Association of Puget Sound (REAPS) meeting Wednesday June 10th 7:00 pm PST. I have been invited to be on a panel of speakers who are active multi-family investors in Washington markets. Attendance is free for your first REAPS meeting.


Speaker at REAPS on Current Societal and Market Dynamics Regarding Washington Multi-family2020-06-09T20:42:46-07:00

Early Retirement and Adapting to a Changing Market on The Commercial Real Estate Investing Show

Thanks to Don Sade for featuring me on his “Commercial Real Estate Investing with Don and Eden” show.  It was a fun, fast paced discussion and we covered a number of topics together:

  • Retiring early from W-2 jobs
  • Creating a snowball or flywheel effect to expand your portfolio
  • How to zig when the market zags
  • Learning from past mistakes and applying that to future decisions
  • Investing out of state
  • “Hard […]
Early Retirement and Adapting to a Changing Market on The Commercial Real Estate Investing Show2025-01-01T18:37:59-08:00

Investing for Cash Flow in Multiple Markets: Guest on Wealth Through Real Estate Investing Show

Real estate investor and host of the Wealth Through Real Estate Investing show Dwaine Clarke interviewed me for a fun and to-the-point interview on these and other topics:

  • Investing for cash flow
  • Investing in Washington state
  • How to invest out of state
  • How to roll your profits forward and grow your portfolio
  • How to zig when the market zags to keep your business growing
  • Process for achieving goals
  • Gratitude

Listen to […]

Investing for Cash Flow in Multiple Markets: Guest on Wealth Through Real Estate Investing Show2024-09-13T21:30:23-07:00

Latest Newsletter Available

I send a bi-monthly newsletter to interested investors, covering many topics on how to maximize your real estate investments, overall returns, and your overall life & business plan.  If interested, you can check out the latest edition at this link here.  You can then subscribe in the upper left corner of that web page, or at the bottom of any page on this web site.

Your contact […]

Latest Newsletter Available2019-11-22T11:31:40-08:00

Guest Speaker at REAPS on Commercial Property Investing

If you live in the north Seattle area and would like to learn about the nuances of commercial real estate investing, come join us at the Real Estate Association of Puget Sound meeting in Bellingham. I will be guest speaker, covering multiple commercial asset classes, pros and cons of each, and how to approach investing in each of them.

RSVP at this REAPS web site link.


Guest Speaker at REAPS on Commercial Property Investing2019-09-25T03:50:11-07:00

Guest on Purchase To Profits show covering the journey to becoming a full time real estate investor

Seth Ferguson, host of the Purchase To Profits show, interviewed me about my journey to becoming a full time real estate investor.  We covered reasons behind it, top lessons learned along the way, and how to approach this for personal life and business life.  It was a fun and interactive show, with hopefully some good nuggets to share with you.  You can listen to the show at […]

Guest on Purchase To Profits show covering the journey to becoming a full time real estate investor2019-10-01T04:25:32-07:00

Only In Seattle show’s Featured Guest discussing Recession-proofing Your Real Estate Investments and more

Thank you to Sean Reynolds and the Summit Properties NW team for featuring me on their latest “Only In Seattle” show. We covered how to recession-proof your investments, market conditions, how to get into larger scale commercial real estate investing, and more.

It is available by directly clicking on the YouTube video window below and also available via podcast at your preferred audio service: iTunes, […]

Only In Seattle show’s Featured Guest discussing Recession-proofing Your Real Estate Investments and more2024-09-13T21:16:37-07:00

Speaker on Opportunity Zones to Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group

I will be one of the speakers at our Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group, teaching about Opportunity Zones.  I’ll cover how and why they got started, how investors can profit from them, and where are the local opportunities for this new tax deferral and tax elimination strategy.

This is an opportunity for you as an individual investor if you have capital gains you would like to deploy in certain locations.  […]

Speaker on Opportunity Zones to Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group2023-03-13T08:02:58-07:00

Fun and Informative Interview by the Go Big show

This was one of my funnest podcast interviews yet. The Go Big show just released the episode where they interviewed me on a wide ranging number of topics, including living with intention, reasons behind real estate investing, how my wife and I work together in our business, and pointers on building recurring passive income and increasing your net worth. It is a recommended listen […]

Fun and Informative Interview by the Go Big show2021-06-17T09:57:54-07:00

Speaker at Whidbey Island RE Investors group on How To Increase Your Income and Net Worth via Multi-Family

I will be speaker at the Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group on Thursday May 9 6:00pm in Coupeville.  Focus of the presentation will be on specific techniques for increasing your monthly income and increasing your equity/net worth through multi-family investments that you either already own or plan to own in the future.  The presentation will be interactive.  There will also be additional speakers at the gathering on local market […]

Speaker at Whidbey Island RE Investors group on How To Increase Your Income and Net Worth via Multi-Family2023-03-13T08:03:06-07:00

Speaker at REAPS Commercial Group on Comparing & Considering Different Commercial Property Types

Come join us Wednesday May 8 6:00pm at the upcoming Real Estate Association of Puget Sound (REAPS) Commercial Meals N Deals group meeting in Bellevue.  I will be teaching about multiple commercial property asset types, providing a format of comparing, contrasting, and investment considerations for each.  The meeting will be interactive, plus include local updates and networking.

For additional information, directions, and to RSVP, click here.


Speaker at REAPS Commercial Group on Comparing & Considering Different Commercial Property Types2019-05-02T23:09:46-07:00

Featured Guest on 7 Rules For Real Estate Investing show

I was honored to be the featured guest on the 7 Rules For Real Estate Investing show. We got down to business regarding use of systematic processes, how to invest in medical office properties, leveraging your personal transferable skills, and the most important principles for investing in real estate. We also jumped into some fun topics, such as how to teach your kid to be an entrepreneur, building a dream […]

Featured Guest on 7 Rules For Real Estate Investing show2022-05-02T23:06:54-07:00

Speaker on Creative Financing Techniques for Real Estate Investments

I will be co-presenting on Creative Financing Techniques for Real Estate Investments for the Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group.  I will cover ways to get into real estate investing with access to more funds, lower down payments, and more flexible terms.  We will discuss multiple types of financing options, ways to work with sellers, non-traditional ownership and equity arrangements, and more.

Come join us at the […]

Speaker on Creative Financing Techniques for Real Estate Investments2023-03-13T08:03:14-07:00

Guest Speaker on Understanding Commercial Properties

If you are in the Seattle area and interested to learn the nuances, distinctions, and success strategies for investing in most types of commercial real estate, come join me at The Seattle Real Estate Investing Group on March 20, 2018 in Bellevue. I am their guest speaker, and will cover multi-family, office, retail, self-storage, and industrial properties, as well as how to navigate the world […]

Guest Speaker on Understanding Commercial Properties2019-03-09T16:27:52-08:00

Scott is Featured Guest on Investing For Life show

This was a fun one!  Tamar Mar, Seattle area podcast host and real estate investor, interviewed me/Scott across a wide range of topics:

  • How to set and achieve personal goals
  • How to invest in secondary and tertiary markets for increased cash flow
  • Distinctions between multi-family, office, retail, and other investment property types
  • Using your transferable skills from other jobs and industries for real estate investing
  • And more

Listen to the show […]

Scott is Featured Guest on Investing For Life show2021-06-17T09:59:01-07:00

Scott is Featured Guest on The Real Estate Syndication Show

I/Scott Price was the featured guest on Whitney Sewell’s informative and interesting Real Estate Syndication Show.  Whitney and I covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time, including:

  • Transitioning from W-2 job to full time real estate investor
  • Education and ramp-up steps for expanding into real estate syndication
  • How to manage and communicate with fellow investors
  • Benefits of different real estate investment asset […]
Scott is Featured Guest on The Real Estate Syndication Show2023-06-01T13:08:34-07:00

Scott is Featured Guest on The Real Estate Nerds show

Scott Smith recently interviewed me/Scott Price on The Real Estate Nerds podcast show. Fun conversation covering a lot of topics:

  • Online auctions
  • How to leverage a great deal into even more deals
  • Creative financing
  • Market analysis
  • Property analysis from a remote location
  • Importance of high quality, repeatable processes
  • Incorporating real estate into a larger life vision

The show is available to listen for free on iTunes and other platforms.

Here is […]

Scott is Featured Guest on The Real Estate Nerds show2022-05-02T22:58:47-07:00

Scott is Featured Guest on The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show

I was the featured guest on big time investor/syndicator Joe Fairless’ Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever show.  We covered the following topics:

  • Building a business for your lifestyle and not just for the business
  • Creative financing
  • Multi-family vs. office/retail
  • How to address commercial vacancies
  • Land flips
  • Favorite book & why
  • Best deal & why
  • And more!

If you are interested to learn from the show, you can find episode 1414 […]

Scott is Featured Guest on The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show2023-07-02T10:35:16-07:00
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