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So far Scott has created 72 blog entries.

Guest on The Investor Relations Real Estate Podcast Show

Thank you to Jonathan Cattani of Cattani Capital Group for an engaging conversation and featuring me on his show “The Investor Relations Real Estate Podcast” (episode 78).  We discussed how to get started in real estate, different asset classes, war stories, and some best practices.  The show is available on most major podcast platforms, including Apple, Spotify, Google, and many others.


Guest on The Investor Relations Real Estate Podcast Show2024-11-02T13:43:09-07:00

Guest on How To Scale Commercial Real Estate show

Thank you to host Sam Wilson for featuring me on his “How To Scale Commercial Real Estate” podcast show episode 244.  For this show, we focused on how you can get into commercial real estate by being a “financial ninja” and use an assortment of strategies to purchase properties on your own without requiring partners.  We also talked about how evaluating commercial office and retail properties is different than multifamily, […]

Guest on How To Scale Commercial Real Estate show2024-09-13T21:34:07-07:00

Guest on Real Estate Investing Abundance podcast show

Thank you to Dr. Allen Lomax for hosting and interviewing me on his podcast show “Real Estate Investing Abundance”.  We dove into life events that inspired action, how to create a flywheel effect with your own money to significantly increase your income and net worth over time, and considerations for investors across different types of real estate asset classes.  Enjoy!

You can listen and/or watch the show on […]

Guest on Real Estate Investing Abundance podcast show2021-07-10T15:26:25-07:00

Featured Guest on Creek Side Chats real estate investing show

Likely my most unique podcast interviewer yet.  Thank you to Dr. Allen Lomax of Steed Talker Capital for featuring me as guest on his show “Creek Side Chats”.  Since Allen is a doctor of psychology in addition to real estate investor, it was as though he had notebook in hand while I laid on the office leather couch, all in a good and interesting […]

Featured Guest on Creek Side Chats real estate investing show2021-06-20T21:49:22-07:00

Guest on Premium Cashflow Real Estate Investing Podcast with episode “Power of Vision, Goals to Scale Business into a Powerful Buy-Hold Portfolio”

Thank you to Sakar Kawle of Premium Cashflow Capital for featuring me on his real estate investing podcast show “Premium Cashflow Real Estate Investing” for episode “Power of Vision, Goals to Scale Business into a Powerful Buy-Hold Portfolio with Scott Price”.  I and Sakar addressed a wide range of topics, including how to get into real estate investing, approaches to multiple asset classes, setting and achieving goals, and having fun along […]

Guest on Premium Cashflow Real Estate Investing Podcast with episode “Power of Vision, Goals to Scale Business into a Powerful Buy-Hold Portfolio”2024-06-27T22:00:28-07:00

Speaker at REAPS on Current Societal and Market Dynamics Regarding Washington Multi-family

If you are interested in real world responses to current societal and market dynamics within Washington state multi-family investing, come to a special online Real Estate Association of Puget Sound (REAPS) meeting Wednesday June 10th 7:00 pm PST. I have been invited to be on a panel of speakers who are active multi-family investors in Washington markets. Attendance is free for your first REAPS meeting.


Speaker at REAPS on Current Societal and Market Dynamics Regarding Washington Multi-family2020-06-09T20:42:46-07:00

Early Retirement and Adapting to a Changing Market on The Commercial Real Estate Investing Show

Thanks to Don Sade for featuring me on his “Commercial Real Estate Investing with Don and Eden” show.  It was a fun, fast paced discussion and we covered a number of topics together:

  • Retiring early from W-2 jobs
  • Creating a snowball or flywheel effect to expand your portfolio
  • How to zig when the market zags
  • Learning from past mistakes and applying that to future decisions
  • Investing out of state
  • “Hard […]
Early Retirement and Adapting to a Changing Market on The Commercial Real Estate Investing Show2025-01-01T18:37:59-08:00

How Climate Change Will Affect Your Real Estate Investments

Although there are still many people who deny that climate change is occurring, the overwhelming majority of scientists and climatologists believe they already have conclusive proof that climate change is underway and will only get worse.  Will this affect your real estate investments?  Yes, either directly or indirectly.

Climate change is generally centered around the increasing temperature of the earth’s thin biosphere caused by increasing carbon emissions and heat trapping gasses.  […]

How Climate Change Will Affect Your Real Estate Investments2020-01-31T14:34:01-08:00

Investing for Cash Flow in Multiple Markets: Guest on Wealth Through Real Estate Investing Show

Real estate investor and host of the Wealth Through Real Estate Investing show Dwaine Clarke interviewed me for a fun and to-the-point interview on these and other topics:

  • Investing for cash flow
  • Investing in Washington state
  • How to invest out of state
  • How to roll your profits forward and grow your portfolio
  • How to zig when the market zags to keep your business growing
  • Process for achieving goals
  • Gratitude

Listen to […]

Investing for Cash Flow in Multiple Markets: Guest on Wealth Through Real Estate Investing Show2024-09-13T21:30:23-07:00

Latest Newsletter Available

I send a bi-monthly newsletter to interested investors, covering many topics on how to maximize your real estate investments, overall returns, and your overall life & business plan.  If interested, you can check out the latest edition at this link here.  You can then subscribe in the upper left corner of that web page, or at the bottom of any page on this web site.

Your contact […]

Latest Newsletter Available2019-11-22T11:31:40-08:00

How To Value-Add an Old Apartment Building to What Modern Renters Want

The desires, tastes, and must-haves of renters transforms from year to year.  Priorities come and go, yet staying up with what modern renters want can be a critical element to achieving or exceeding your multi-family investment’s business plan objectives.  Yet what do you do when you are starting with apartments built in a different era, when current priorities were not even a “thing”, known, or a competitive advantage at the […]

How To Value-Add an Old Apartment Building to What Modern Renters Want2019-11-22T10:47:26-08:00

Rent Control: Why It Actually Does Not Work

There has been increasing demand for rental housing due to multiple factors discussed elsewhere in my blog, including high home ownership costs, demographic shifts, lifestyle preferences, burdens of student and consumer debt.  Supply has not kept up with this demand, especially in the area of affordable housing due to the increasingly high costs of construction (labor and materials), permitting, and land acquisition.  However, income levels for […]

Rent Control: Why It Actually Does Not Work2019-10-01T04:51:32-07:00

Guest Speaker at REAPS on Commercial Property Investing

If you live in the north Seattle area and would like to learn about the nuances of commercial real estate investing, come join us at the Real Estate Association of Puget Sound meeting in Bellingham. I will be guest speaker, covering multiple commercial asset classes, pros and cons of each, and how to approach investing in each of them.

RSVP at this REAPS web site link.


Guest Speaker at REAPS on Commercial Property Investing2019-09-25T03:50:11-07:00

Guest on Purchase To Profits show covering the journey to becoming a full time real estate investor

Seth Ferguson, host of the Purchase To Profits show, interviewed me about my journey to becoming a full time real estate investor.  We covered reasons behind it, top lessons learned along the way, and how to approach this for personal life and business life.  It was a fun and interactive show, with hopefully some good nuggets to share with you.  You can listen to the show at […]

Guest on Purchase To Profits show covering the journey to becoming a full time real estate investor2019-10-01T04:25:32-07:00

Only In Seattle show’s Featured Guest discussing Recession-proofing Your Real Estate Investments and more

Thank you to Sean Reynolds and the Summit Properties NW team for featuring me on their latest “Only In Seattle” show. We covered how to recession-proof your investments, market conditions, how to get into larger scale commercial real estate investing, and more.

It is available by directly clicking on the YouTube video window below and also available via podcast at your preferred audio service: iTunes, […]

Only In Seattle show’s Featured Guest discussing Recession-proofing Your Real Estate Investments and more2024-09-13T21:16:37-07:00

Opportunity Zones: How Can They Benefit You As a Real Estate Investor?

There is a lot of talk about Opportunity Zones. Frankly, it is mostly more talk than action now, though that is changing. Real estate investors had not been provided much specific guidance from the IRS on what they can do with Opportunity Zones and how the near + long term mechanics of them work. There is enough info out there now, though still a few open questions.  Some investors are […]

Opportunity Zones: How Can They Benefit You As a Real Estate Investor?2019-07-24T05:33:00-07:00

Speaker on Opportunity Zones to Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group

I will be one of the speakers at our Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group, teaching about Opportunity Zones.  I’ll cover how and why they got started, how investors can profit from them, and where are the local opportunities for this new tax deferral and tax elimination strategy.

This is an opportunity for you as an individual investor if you have capital gains you would like to deploy in certain locations.  […]

Speaker on Opportunity Zones to Whidbey Island Real Estate Investors group2023-03-13T08:02:58-07:00

Fun and Informative Interview by the Go Big show

This was one of my funnest podcast interviews yet. The Go Big show just released the episode where they interviewed me on a wide ranging number of topics, including living with intention, reasons behind real estate investing, how my wife and I work together in our business, and pointers on building recurring passive income and increasing your net worth. It is a recommended listen […]

Fun and Informative Interview by the Go Big show2021-06-17T09:57:54-07:00

Sponsor of inspiring and effective Whidbey Camano Land Trust

Bonvolo is happy to be a corporate sponsor for the Whidbey Camano Land Trust.  WCLT is a terrific organization that is extremely effective at magnifying contributions to preserve forest, shoreline, habitat, and agricultural land on Whidbey and Camano Islands.  I/Scott was previously a member of their Board of Directors, am a long time general member, and have even put a Conservation Easement on one of my […]

Sponsor of inspiring and effective Whidbey Camano Land Trust2019-06-25T04:37:23-07:00

Demand Driver: It Is Much Easier and Less Expensive for People to Rent than Buy a Home

In addition to all of the demographic and societal trends I have previously discussed regarding the demand and appeal of owning rental properties, here is another even more fundamental one: It is both much easier and cheaper to rent a home than to buy a home in the vast majority of all markets across the entire country.

To help illustrate this disparity, HowMuch.net recently determined the average […]

Demand Driver: It Is Much Easier and Less Expensive for People to Rent than Buy a Home2019-05-26T00:53:41-07:00
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